Well we always have projects.  Completed project is a build of a new computer.  Of course I have loaded Windows 7 on the new computer and some of my software isn't compatible not to mention a piece of hardware here and there. You gotta love Microsoft; they manage to make money from you and act like they’re doing you a service. I wish I’d gone to a Mac.  One of my printers is not compatible, which was the hardest to take on this build. Of course this doesn't count the mess I made building the computer.  I have paper all over and started reviewing paper work.  Big job, big, big job.

2010 – Will see landscaping as a project. The plan will call for about 2 yards of dirt to be delivered. I’ll wheel that into the back yard to fill in Kane’s run area and a little area by our tree and barbeque.  That might be it for 2010, but, I'm also hoping Nancy's office gets down and the upstairs bathroom.  We may even have the front entry painted (hope, hope).

We desperately need to update the carpet, but, that’s probably 2011 for a new carpet. Or…God forbid, 2012.