Kissing Camel's rock formation Kane (The Border Collie)  Kissing Camel's rock formation

Kane is a Border Collie that is jet black with a white paw and chest.  He supports a little white on his chin and at times looks very poetic.  He found his way to Nancy from the Humane Society.  Kane's birthday is about July 4th, 2001.  He attended school, learning to sit, stay, leave things that he is not suppose to touch.  He can roll over, lay down, circle (both ways), "give me five," sway (cicles once and goes through your legs), weave (in and out of your legs), finish (comes to your left side and sits),  and rest (lies still).  A very smart Border Collie that has taught us much.   Kane trained at "Wagg'in Tails"(which is no more). We encourage anyone that has a dog family member to take him or her for even 2 or 3 training sessions. 

He sends Season Greetings.  His 2006 Christmas short is here too.

Kane's name comes from Hawaii meaning "Man" and is pronounced in Hawaiian "Con-knee" Kane also means Gothic warrior.

Kane's first encounter with a dog trainer was at "PetsMart."  He really did well there.  However, our fondest results was with Sarah at "Wagg'in Tails" where he did all the extra activities.  He had Agility Training, loves it.  He is the fastest dog out there although his time suffers when he stops to eat fallen treats.  He has tested and passed and received the "Good Citizenship Award" and received the good citizenship certificate from the AKC.  He has come a long way since he came into our lives.  He loves treats and tennis balls.  He likes to play with stuff animals although they don't last very long.  He loves playing soccer in the back yard and then cooling off in this pool.

Kane has taken training in sheep herding.  Although his first encounter was sheep chasing the second time he was really good and impressive.  Checkout the pictures .

Kane is 8 now and showing a little more white hairs. But, it hasn't slowed him down at all.

Kane Waiting Kane Top of the stairs
Cartoon Border Collie herding people